Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sometimes... Plans Change

Sometimes, our plans aren't God's plans...

Our plan: Stay in India, finish our mission, come home in March.

God's plan: Come home now.

We learned a lot. Loved a lot. Experienced a lot.

Now we are home, applying it all. Learning to accept God's plan.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thailand (Journal Entry from Christmas Eve)

I am experiencing that moment!
That moment, you only see in movies and sometimes hear about.
The moment when you want to turn to those standing next to you and ask,

"Will you pinch me?"

Just to make sure I am not dreaming. Ah, yes, I am awake. And yet, living in a dream.

My dream has always been to visit Thailand...Eating the food, drinking bubble tea, feeling the warm air on my skin. To see the beautiful beach, meet the kind people, get a cheap massage almost everyday. :)

I am living my dream, my dream has come true!

The feeling is almost overwhelming. The instant I saw the airport I knew... I knew this was my favorite place.

You know that saying, "Heaven on earth?'' If this isn't even close to Heaven, I can't imagine what Heaven will be like!

Some of my feeling of excitement, comes from the feeling of being on vacation.

Traveling India, experiencing the trains and hotels, is not what I would call vacationing at all. Nepal gives the same feel.

We have been traveling (which has been amazing) but now, yes, deep breath, now I am vacationing.

I can see the tops of the buildings, because there is no pollution. I don't have to worry about conserving toilet paper, because one push of a button, and there is a roll at my door! I don't have to worry if there is going to be clean water everywhere I go. I can trust my hotel and taxi driver.

Oh this feels SO good!

I'd like to think that Thailand gets all the credit for the amazingness I have experienced, but I feel some of the credit goes to a little thing called "reverse culture shock," or maybe deprivation from many good things?

Being on vacation, experiencing such lovely things, makes me miss home.

Home is a true blessing.

Home has just about everything you can find in Thailand, but until I could experience my "dream place" for myself, I couldn't realize that home, actually has more.

Home has my mom, Whit, Jenny, and Alexis.

At this point, you could say I am homesick. Traveling is a good teacher I'd say.

God, thank you for sending me the ability to experience your world, and to learn from it.

I am blessed.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

More Wonder from Traveling- Kati

I was not expected for the awe, emotion, wonder and love that the Taj Mahal offered me.

As I walked through two large arch ways and was faced straight at the Taj Mahal my breath was stolen from me with no warning.

I finally understand why it is part of the 7 wonders of the world. Pictures truly do not and could not ever capture the magnificent architecture, light, detail, and the plain blue sky backdrop of this amazing palace. I never thought a building could give me such feelings. I was caught off guard.

The large marble structure made of love. the 2nd greatest act of love. A emperor made 3 promises to his dying wife. the 1st being he would not remarry. the 2nd that he would always take care of their children and the 3rd that he would build a monument in her honor.

He fulfilled all three promises.

Walking through its large marble ceilings and walls filled with hand carved flowers, so many question ran through my head.

Did he know his act of love would reach the whole world?

Did his wife know what he was going to build?

How much did he really love her or did he do it because he had the money?

Did it take him a long time to think of what to build?

So many question that leave me in awe and wonder.

Maybe that is why they are called the 7 wonders of the world, because they leave you wondering.

This place was magical and eye opening. Any thing seemed possible. I never thought a marble building would have such an impact on me.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

My Dad- Hillary

This trip has been so good for for my dad and me.
I am so glad he came.

He seems comfortable, and that makes me feel comfortable.

It finally seems like we have gotten the hang of traveling. I am a proud traveler!
My dad makes us laugh. From his gas, to his terrible friendliness to strangers (who are usually trying to rip us off). He is learning, slowly but surely.

He is so easy to laugh with, but even easier to laugh at... When he ate that chile, because he thought it was a green bean, I about died from laughter. He about died from pain.

The way he leaves something everywhere he goes, is unbelievable!

He has diarrhea, we actually all do, but he is so funny about his "explosions."

He is an extremely friendly guy. I never knew just HOW FRIENDLY he is. He attracts people everywhere we go, and he always tries to develop a friendship with them. I remember when we first took a walk with him down the village road, he was waving and saying hi to everyone that passed. It was inspiring!

Being in India for long term, simple things like waving to passing people, start to fade.

I want to be ALIVE!

I want to leave India after six months, and still be reacting to things, like it was my first day in India, everyday. I don't want to become numb to the fact that I am doing God's work, experiencing moments after moments of a lifetime.

I love my dad.

He is aware of his weaknesses, he seeks change in himself, he is a committed follower of Christ, he cares about me. ALOT.

He loves home, more than I could imagine. He is seriously friendly, every time I leave him he finds a friend. He likes to plan ahead, but is terrible at it. He can adapt, just slowly.

He is just. Pure. Loving.

Dad, I am so glad I got this opportunity to finally get to know YOU.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Nepal -Kati


It reveals itself to the world in such a unique way. From the bustling lively city, to the serene quiet majestic mountains.

Nepal captivates me.

It's city invites me in with a warm "nameste" (hello). Even if the person behind the greetings motives are to get me to buy some trinket, the sound of this foreign word reminds me that I am in Nepal... A foreign country.

The trinkets, scarfs, Northface goods, and all the organic green hippie culture captivates me, invites me in. I love seeing people around me who are enjoying the same things I am. Watching Hillary barter with the store keepers to get the right price makes me smile. It reminds me that in America I can't do this. I can't get a Northface vest for 20 some dollars. I love the feeling of getting that price you want.

Lost?! not an option. I love feeling like this city is my own. Like I know every crack and corner, every store and coffee shop. I like people depending on me to get them were we need to go. This feeling captivates me .

Traveling up to the temple on top of the hill surrounded by the vast city of Kathmandu, while being surrounded by laughing monkey's. Captivating.

Monks in prayer, showing their devotion to their religion. Following the sounds of chanting mantras echoing through the temple walls leaves me captivated.

Sunrises in the Himalayas takes my breath away as the sun slowly reveals each peak one by one. This leaves me leaves me only one thing to do... Pray. Thanking God for this creative, lovely, pure, majestic, captivating scene.

Small villages, children bathing outside, small goats, hilltop terraces, and the company of good friends to make me laugh leaves me smiling ear to ear. My smile becomes captivating to me.

I hope to one day create a place as captivating as nepal has been for me.

Thank you Nepal.