I am experiencing
that moment!
That moment, you only see in movies and sometimes hear about.
The moment when you want to turn to those standing next to you and ask,
"Will you pinch me?"
Just to make sure I am not dreaming. Ah, yes, I am awake. And yet, living in a dream.
My dream has always been to visit Thailand...Eating the food, drinking bubble tea, feeling the warm air on my skin. To see the beautiful beach, meet the kind people, get a cheap massage almost everyday. :)
I am living my dream, my dream has come true!
The feeling is almost overwhelming. The instant I saw the airport I knew... I knew this was my favorite place.
You know that saying, "Heaven on earth?'' If this isn't even close to Heaven, I can't imagine what Heaven will be like!
Some of my feeling of excitement, comes from the feeling of being on vacation.
Traveling India, experiencing the trains and hotels, is not what I would call vacationing at all. Nepal gives the same feel.
We have been traveling (which has been amazing) but now, yes, deep breath, now I am vacationing.
I can see the tops of the buildings, because there is no pollution. I don't have to worry about conserving toilet paper, because one push of a button, and there is a roll at my door! I don't have to worry if there is going to be clean water everywhere I go. I can trust my hotel and taxi driver.
Oh this feels SO good!
I'd like to think that Thailand gets all the credit for the amazingness I have experienced, but I feel some of the credit goes to a little thing called "reverse culture shock," or maybe deprivation from many good things?
Being on vacation, experiencing such lovely things, makes me miss home.
Home is a true blessing.
Home has just about everything you can find in Thailand, but until I could experience my "dream place" for myself, I couldn't realize that home, actually has more.
Home has my mom, Whit, Jenny, and Alexis.
At this point, you could say I am homesick. Traveling is a good teacher I'd say.
God, thank you for sending me the ability to experience your world, and to learn from it.
I am blessed.