Monday, December 14, 2009

Our Great Adventures Continue...

We are now in the middle of our travels. We started off out of Andhra Pradesh, India up to Delhi by train. Our first train ride was 37 hours, which we thought was only going to be 24 hours (that was exciting). We then traveled to a city near the border of Nepal which took a 12 hour train ride. We arrived at 3am in Goraktpur, and had to wait two hours until the city came alive.

We ended up making it to the border, don't worry we didn't sneak across...It took us 1 full day of driving to finally make it to our destination, the city of Kathmandu, Nepal. We have been having a great time, filled with roaming the streets, exploring temples, listening to monks chant, and bartering (which Hillary has gotten quite good at).

We also just got back from the mountains where we got to watch the sunrise across the magnificent Himalayan Range. It was amazing! And yes, we did see Everest. Now, we have two more days of roaming the streets and finding new sights to see in Nepal.

We will write when we can! We miss everyone!


  1. Oh, I loved Kathmandu! My second favorite place! Aren't the train rides the best? I love you guys and miss you! You're in my prayers! Love, TINA

  2. bring me a rock from cat-man-doooo!!
