Monday, October 12, 2009

"Most people need love the most when they deserve it the least."

Today, I learned something new about myself...I need to ask God to help me love. Not my friends and family, but all the other people, or should I say the people I choose to push away from my heart. The people I choose to forget, the people who need my love most of all. There are just some people who bother me, everyone has someone who bothers them actually. How we go about those "people", is what separates us from everyone else. I have chosen who bothers me, and I have made sure that I do not carry any sort of relationship with them.

I used to think that was O.K.. I used to tell myself, "Hey, we are human. Not everyone can like each other, not everyone has to be friends right?" Well, today Kati so kindly proved me wrong. As written in "Blue Like Jazz," The author talks about someone who just bothered him, so he made the effort to push him farther and farther away (like I tend to do). Then, he points out, that when we pray for the ability to understand and truly listen to one another, it is truly possible to stop being bothered, to gain understanding, to take the time to give someone your love.

So... Today, I am starting to sincerely love those it is hard for me to love. God has put me here, he has put all of us here, to share our love with the world. As hard as it may be, God is here teaching me understanding, and teaching me to listen to each persons needs, and with him I, no we, can love everyone.



  1. you should read some of Donald Miller's other books. they're all pretty good. lovely thoughts, hillary.

  2. Sasha and I just spent our "study" hour talking about this same thing, we talked about both of you and read some blogs too! Love you guys hope you are having a good day!
