Wednesday, January 13, 2010

More Wonder from Traveling- Kati

I was not expected for the awe, emotion, wonder and love that the Taj Mahal offered me.

As I walked through two large arch ways and was faced straight at the Taj Mahal my breath was stolen from me with no warning.

I finally understand why it is part of the 7 wonders of the world. Pictures truly do not and could not ever capture the magnificent architecture, light, detail, and the plain blue sky backdrop of this amazing palace. I never thought a building could give me such feelings. I was caught off guard.

The large marble structure made of love. the 2nd greatest act of love. A emperor made 3 promises to his dying wife. the 1st being he would not remarry. the 2nd that he would always take care of their children and the 3rd that he would build a monument in her honor.

He fulfilled all three promises.

Walking through its large marble ceilings and walls filled with hand carved flowers, so many question ran through my head.

Did he know his act of love would reach the whole world?

Did his wife know what he was going to build?

How much did he really love her or did he do it because he had the money?

Did it take him a long time to think of what to build?

So many question that leave me in awe and wonder.

Maybe that is why they are called the 7 wonders of the world, because they leave you wondering.

This place was magical and eye opening. Any thing seemed possible. I never thought a marble building would have such an impact on me.


  1. Kate, it's so true... the Taj is so spiritually and emotionally touching. Thanks for reminding me about those feelings! I miss you!

  2. you guys seem to like those jumping shots...

  3. I didn't know that was the story behind the place. Obviously, they were really in love.

  4. Hi Kate,

    Glad you girls got some posting done, I have been looking for your travel thoughts. Good stuff. Delhi Dan.
    P.S. It was much warmer today except for the eclipse time.
