Monday, November 30, 2009

Do I fit? - kati

Have you ever tried to fit in, either at school or home?

I know I have.
Whether we like it or not, it is part of our human nature, to attempt fitting into our surroundings.

I have tried to be like my sister. Do the things she does. Try to wear the clothes she wears, go where she goes.
I have tried to fit in at school. Play the games kids play, wear the clothes my friends wear. Talk with the newest lingo.

Trying to fit into this world can be really rough and exhausting.
Everybody is trying to find their part in the big puzzle.

A couple nights ago 4, 10 standard girls and dean Lalitha came over to our house to enjoy a nice evening of cooking and just hanging out.

We cooked most of the evening. They taught us how to make the most wonderful, flavorful food. Each ingredient had a special part and was meant to be in the mix.

They taught us traditional Indian dances. Coordinating your head with the rest of your body can be very challenging. Each move was precise and had a purpose.

The like to laugh and joke a lot, which is pretty much saying the opposite of what something is. For example: "Kati you have such dark skin." With each joke, there was love behind it.

We ate, we talked, we laughed, we joked.

With these girls I did not have to try to fit in. Even though I am completely different from them, they brought me in with open arms, accepting me exactly how I am.

They did not make me feel bad for not doing the traditional dancing correctly. They did not make me feel like I had to impress or work to fit in. I just simply fit.

I use to think that life had to be about finding your place, fitting in.

Now I realize that you already have a place.

I now have the opportunity to make the people I encounter feel the same way I felt with those girls... That trying to fit in is overrated, because you already do fit in.


  1. Kate. Thanks, that's just what I needed to hear for this week back after break. I'm tired of trying to be somebody to please people. I'm done! I can't wait for you to get home so we can share everything that we're learning. I love you!

    PS - Your dancing is awesome, you're good Kate!

  2. the dance is hilarious. i feel like you synchronized your head pretty well.

    ps- "now i realize that you already have a place" beautiful. simply beautiful.

  3. you are such a good dancer! please come home soon and tell me stories.....and teach me that dance!!! love emily

  4. Look at you you little bobble head! I agree... with everyone. Come home. Teach me the dance. Thanks for the insight. You're beautiful. This is beautiful. I can't wait to share what we've learned this year. I miss you. See, I agree.

  5. Kati Your so good at that!!

    That looks like great fun. I love all your videos. Keep em comin

    love you both


  6. Question for you....what types of things would be most needed for the kids? Some friends of mine are trying to get things together to take to kids in India when they go there this summer.
