Friday, December 4, 2009

So Young but so Wise. -Kati

Last night some friends from the school took us on a walk to a near by village that we had never been to before. Our friends took us to one of their friends houses.

They showered us with love, food, and drinks.

Kids from the village came and surrounded us, as we sat underneath the cool sky.
Hillary's dad (Paul) pulled out his camera and started to take pictures of all the children.

There was one little boy who was sitting in his swing that Paul took a picture of. Paul then showed the little boy the picture. The little boy immediately started to talk very fast, with excitement in his voice. We could not understand what he was saying though because he was speaking Telugu. We were all surprised at this four year olds talkative nature.

We quickly asked our friend to come over and translate for us.

According to this little boy, we had very white skin... and he said so did he.

He then went on to tell us that our hands were beautiful and so were his.

This little boy is so young but yet so wise. He saw that we were not that different at all and that we are all beautiful.

He was seeing us the way God sees us... all the same.


  1. That's awesome! I love those moments when God just speaks up and says things straight out! Thanks for sharing. I love you guys! Happy Sabbath! Love TINA

  2. I love that you and Hillary have open eyes and minds. You are able to see the meaning behind your experiences and share that with us.
    Thank-you, and love you both.


  3. That was a great moment.
    We look forward to hearing about your
    Travels and adventures.
    Pass our best on to Paul.
    Pleasant journey to you!
    Ma Mo

  4. I wonder how children fit such big brains into such little heads...

  5. Some of my favorite stories in the Bible is when Jesus shows the adults a little child... and then tells them to be more like them. It gets me every time.
