Monday, October 19, 2009


Kati and I have been poisoned.
Not intentionally of course, but poison is poison right? You could say we hit our limits in the meat department, especially in the goat department...

It all began being invited to a special Sunday lunch our amma wanted to prepare for us. Unfortunately, it was planned the same day as a staff member's wedding reception meal, so we had to brace ourselves for food overload.

The reception was delicious, and of course we were fed like BIG FAT KINGS. After about four hours, it was time to dive into amma's meal she had been preparing all day. Kati and I were already full, and now we were scared. It was a terrible feeling.

She prepared mutton (a.k.a. goat), chicken, fish, and of course about 20 chapatis. Each dish was cooked with much love and a lot of time. Even though Kati and I previously told them we ere vegetarians, they insisted on us eating like kings, because we are always their honored guests. The fish was an unknown variety with many bones, the chicken was little meat and a lot of cartilage and bone, and the goat... Need I explain?

The meat was hard to take for the both of us, and unfortunately after trying to say "no" or "no more" many times, we walked away full and sick. For the last twenty four hours we have visited the bathroom about 100 times, and we are slowly feeling better. We are weak and tired, but next door is our amma, proud that she could cook for us, proud of her love for us, and as we lay here poisoned, I would not take my bathroom trips back to see any sort of disappointment on her face.

I never thought that I could be poisoned by someone just trying so hard to love me and show it. My poison is not poison actually, it's innocent, selfless, Godly, love.
Amma's love is selfless and giving. Amma's love is inspiring.


  1. Sounds like you are in good hands over there. I continue to enjoy your comments on everyday life and the positive outlook that they portray. This infectious attitude reminds me to stay positive here at work each day.

  2. shucks. you guys are troopers. you should have maybe tried, "i'm allergic." that's what I say about mayonnaise sometimes, because i hate it so much.

  3. hahahah I LOVE this! Hill and Kate, keep taking one for the team...and by that, I mean your own team. All these things that you do for others are also gifts to already know that though. But seriously I can just see both of you being so sweet and telling amma..."oh, thank-you, this is so good!"

    Ansley and I used to talk in really high pitch, "yummy" voices while we said things coded in English like, "This is so nasty. I sure hope they don't bring more goat intestines after we eat these!" hah Thanks for your note on my blog. You guys are the best. Love Em

  4. Love poison. That's the best kind.

  5. Love means learning how to say "no". Sacrifice serves no purpose unless it is to accomplish something good. You sure are learning some good lessons!

