Sunday, October 4, 2009


Today we found out that the kids were not returning from break until Wednesday, so we decided to have all of YOU come to India. 

Crazy idea, we know! 

But India just does not feel right without you guys.

So... we decided to add some life to our apartment. It is amazing what a little paint, paper, tape, and pictures can do, not only to a room, but to two girls away from loved ones. 

Thanks for visiting guys, we hope you enjoy everyday with us, in India.


  1. I am, indeed, in one of those pictures. I'm having a great time in India.

  2. I love it guys!!! Thanks for letting me come visit. It was a great idea! I love you guys! Have a good day at school with the kids:) Love you!

  3. I'm not sure if I'm in one of those pictures or not. BUT, if I'm not...I was probably in the general vicinity of where some of the pictures were taken. So I'm still visiting. You girls are amazing! Love you miss you!

  4. Hey wait! I just looked closer and I AM in one of them! Man, I love India.
