Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween in India...

Halloween in India is just not the same...

We went through most of the day not even realizing that it was Halloween.
We finally decided that we needed to celebrate this holiday, even if India was not celebrating.
We got out our masks that our dear friend sent us, an elephant and lion how perfect right?

So there we were, a lion and elephant laying out on the mattress we brought out onto the porch. Our Amma and Nana soon joined us. We even had our Nana dress up as an elephant. We explained what Halloween was, and how kids go around to strangers houses and ask for candy.

We even went trick-or-treating... with each other. ha ha.

You would be surprised at how many Halloween parties we went to. We were a hot item. We skyped one party to the next. We even danced a little. Our costumes were a hit. What can we say? We are party ANIMALS! ha ha.

Don't ever underestimate our ability to celebrate.

Might not have been our typical Halloween night, but it sure was fun!
Just another memorable evening in India!


  1. You guys are just really adorable.

  2. that's very weird. the first one....

  3. those pictures are hilarious! i wish you could have skyped in to our haunted hike at Ben's house. maybe you can skype in for thanksgiving?

  4. I love how the party follows YOU girls! You're so fun :) I miss you both! I did some mailing today.. NZ is on it's way to India!

    lots of love xoxox
