Sunday, November 22, 2009

I'm a Fighter-Hillary

I'm a fighter, I'm tired of fighting now...
As I was meditating today, I noticed I was holding on to a lot of things, a lot of things that were bringing me down. I don't want to take care of these things anymore. I don't want negativity to be living in my thoughts anymore.

I get so bothered when someone wants to feed us. I turn into something I don't want to be. I become negative, and then it ruins my moments I could be enjoying next to my best friend, next to the ones showing me love.

Kati inspires me every time we eat somewhere, because she is so kind right off the bat, she acts like the fact that she is going to walk out of the house with a "rice belly" as a great thing.

That is what I want!

I want the kindness and love to enjoy the moments that I am put into, and I want to leave the worry and the negativity at home. I am tired of fighting the things I can't control.

I am starting to realize I can't control life as I know it anymore.
I am learning that I just need to LET GO.
Stop the worry. Stop the negativity. Stop the sadness. Stop fighting.

I am ready to let go of my life, because I don't have a choice in what moments God puts in front of me. Now, is the time. Now, is where I realize... God is in control.


  1. Way to be Hillary. Hey, speaking of Hillary, I'm about to go watch another girl with your name play the harp.

  2. As we are prepairing for a day to give thanks,
    (Thanksgiving)I wanted to let you know how thankful I am to read your inspiring thoughts.
    Keep it coming, I am still waiting for more
    harmonica! are you still practicing...;)
    Peace and Joy to you both.
