Friday, November 27, 2009

Random Happenings

Here are a few random happenings in India:

1. Have you ever been flipped off while being greeted? Well we have...
2. Every man in India has a mustache. MANHOOD!
3. While we were sick, we were told it was because of "bad eyes" (or jealous eyes), so to fix our sickness they put salt and chile in their hand and performed a ritual on us.
4. Everywhere we eat, we can count on enjoying a few ants in our food or drink.
5. In America, girls are always touching. In India you can't keep the boys from holding hands in class.
6. With such limited access to supplies, we find ourselves googling "home remedies" for just about everything.
7. With such limited access to hobbies, has left our wall with dirty footprints... handstands!
8. No baby diapers in India, we have both learned that the hard way!
9. We thought we had outgrown "pinched cheeks", we were wrong.
10. Our students pretend not to understand English.
11. Have you ever stopped a school bus full of kids based on your nationality?
12. Cooking,cutting, eating... on the floor.
13. Monkey's charging us on a normal grocery run.
14. People talking to us and insisting we understand Telugu.
15. What most people would call a " a quick grocery run" takes us around 2 hrs.
16. We can never get more than one item at one place.
17. We sweep the bugs out of our bed before we sleep, sometimes we're too tired.
18. Seeing men going to the bathroom on the side of the road...normal. It's when we get to see their bare butt that we get really lucky!
19. Our newness never runs out. The kids love us everyday all day, just like day one.
20. Showers every 5 days...That's on a good week.
21. People ask us what we ate for breakfast everyday. It is like saying "hello."
22.Our clothes and our dishes are never fully clean.
23. We bathe with a bucket of cold water, hence the showers every five days. We hold out as long as possible.
24. Every time we go to somebody's house we are guaranteed a cup of tea. We are way past our "three cups of tea". :)
25. We dance a lot. Thinking about trying out for the new hip Indian music video. We are still discussing...
26. We can't get enough of Ramone from the Proposal.
27. Never have to worry about too many options for meals.
28. We have gotten pretty good at pretending we like things, or hiding things in the trash.
29. Rice bellies are coming along nicely, thanks for asking.
30. Everyday, the experiences never get old...How could they? We are in India!


  1. This is such a good list! I am glad you guys are enjoying India. India is so lucky to have you two!

  2. This is a good blog. I like you how put "the finger" after a sweet picture of children. Your list is FILLED with stories and memories that you'll have forever. That makes my heart feel really full at this moment.

  3. You guys are doing what this year is all about-sttttrrreeeettccchhhiiinngggg and learning and then being a friend to the people around you. I look back at how much I actually DID for others in my time abroad, and it wasn't that much. But what it did do is make me want to come back, get some skills so I can do more, and then go back or even just be more aware in the states. I love this list because you're growing like 20 times as much as you would if you were back here at Walla Walla. Soak it up! I love you guys so much! Love EMily

  4. It's funny how "normal" can be shifted completely. Cleanliness and so many other things suddenly become relative. Can you feel yourselves getting wiser? Because I read about it on a semi-regular basis.

  5. You girls are so great!! I loved reading this blog.

    I love how your having such raw fun. Dancing, cooking, handstands...

    I love you girlies!! don't forget it

  6. ok, i hesitate to add to the praise here... but this was my favorite blog yet! very well done.
    and now, to neutralize the effect of this comment are the following observations:
    1. in number 24, passed should be past
    2. in number 28, principle should be principal

  7. i like the middle finger probably

  8. I just literally laughed out loud at number 29! HAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!

  9. A shower every 5 days... How long is the longest you've gone? I'll have to ask Kara but I'm pretty sure I went over a week, ha ha. Don't forget the no shaving ;)
